
Beth Rickey: A PowerPoint Presentation

  • A comedic PowerPoint about the history of Crohn's Disease

    pic by Ian Zandi

  • Winner of Pick of the Fringe in the 2023 Hollywood Fringe Festival

    pic by Ian Zandi

Humor Writing

  • Yes, I Totally Read, I Love Books, Here Are All the Books I've Read

    Published in Points in Case July 2022. Read here.

  • Searching for the Alternate Timelines Where You Are Successful

    Published in Points in Case August 2021. Read here.

  • Upcoming Events Calendar for Arkham Asylum

    Published in Robot Butt August 2021. Read here.


  • Whirs, Snaps, Clicks and Clacks (chapbook)

    Whirs, Snaps, Clicks and Clacks is a collection of poetry about the human body. Like knees cracking or a slight sigh, there are noises we make just going about our day. They add a soundtrack to our lives, sometimes harmless, sometimes ominous. Max Kerwien, informed by his experience with disability and Crohn’s Disease, writes on the inconvenient responsibility of having a body.

    Available for purchase here.

  • I have trouble making something out of suffering. (poem)

    Published in Arboreal Magazine December 2023. Read here.

  • Made for the New Neighbors (poem)

    Published in decomp journal January 2021. Read or listen to the audio recording here.

  • Instructions Shouted in the Moment (poem)

    Published in Sheila-Na-Gig in June 2023.

    Read here

Smudges: A Virtual Concrete Poetry Exhibit

Created for OSU’s Soundbox 5 Arts Festival, “Smudges” is an exhibit of concrete poetry. Concrete Poetry is poetry in which the meaning or effect is conveyed partly or wholly by visual means, using patterns of words or letters and other typographical devices.



  • Awards

    “Sponsored” has won the following awards:

    -The Worst Podcast That Nobody Listened To 2021

    -Didly’s “Biggest Sellout Pod of the Year” 2021

    -NBC’s “What Kind of Stupid Podcast Is This” Award

    -The Claimber Dex One-Time We Don’t Normally Do This But This Podcast Is So So Bad Award for Badness

    -Honorable Mention: Bad Sex In Fiction Award