poet, comedian, a third thing

photo by Andrew Max Levy

About Max:

Max Kerwien is a comedian, award-winning poet, and professional stunt double for The Muppets. Originally from Seattle, Washington, his silly and biting standup comedy has won over audiences all around the world. Most recently, his one-man show “Beth Rickey: A PowerPoint Presentation” won Pick of the Fringe at the 2023 Hollywood Fringe Festival.

His humor writings have been published in Points in Case, Defenestration Mag, and Robot Butt. As a poet, he won the Joan Grayston Poetry Prize in 2016 and his work can be seen in a variety of literary journals and magazines.

He is best known for his book, "Poems to Ruin Dinner with", and the fact that he is legally no longer allowed to enter Alaska due to a misunderstanding at the border about the movie “Snow Dogs” starring Cuba Gooding Jr.

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